So, the results about the NAPLAN disaster this year are out. Did you know your child failed the NAPLAN? There is much talk about it not really being a disaster at all by some people though.
Well as a tutor and manager of a tutoring business I can tell you the results are correct and the government is covering up for the poor quality of education our students are receiving. In all areas not just the classroom. Over the years our education system has denigrated to the point where grammar is practically obliterated from the curriculum, phonetics is not taught, children can't read properly. Their knowledge of words is minimal even in high school as they don’t have vocabulary expansion and they don’t know how to write a fluent essay. Even in the classroom there seems to be forgotten when you need to start a new paragraph. What is the rule?
What’s the issue really?
Part of the issue lies in too much emphasis on phones, Facebook, video games and not enough conversation in the home to expand students use of words or to foster learning. Other reasons are parents being too tired and overworked to supervise homework and study timetables and that the homework is actually done. Some students sit in their room until all hours under the pretence of study when they are chatting online to friends. Do you know what your children are doing and when? Then they go to tutoring in a classroom where they sit and chat to their friends there or get left behind because they still don’t understand the work. That’s why students need a one on one tutor to assist them personally with their needs. Unfortunately, there is a lack of discipline all round. And the kids are taking advantage of it. Too much emphasis on soccer training and not enough emphasis on do you know your times table.
Is there a remedy?
Years ago, all these things didn’t exist as much and parents were stricter. Schools were different too because if you stepped out of line even by uttering a word in class you got a detention. No getting out of it. And worse yet it could be on a Saturday morning meaning you had to front up in uniform and miss your weekend. Not to mention that the parents punished you as well so you got it both ends. The result was generations of people who knew how to hold a job, soldier on when they were sick so it built resilience, a higher standard of right and wrong, moral values and respect for the parents.
Our children’s capabilities?
Now it’s all about people having rights but where are their duties and responsibilities? We are supposed to be advancing as a world but instead we are raising children who can’t talk properly to us, can’t write, don’t know how to add or do math without a calculator and can’t get a job when they leave school. And in many cases, they don’t even want to get a job. Wake up Australia as to how you are raising your children. If you want them to succeed step back a little to the old fashioned grandma ways and refine your input and discipline. A balance of love and discipline never hurt anyone.