Sydney/East/Western Suburbs & Beyond
Don't fall behind! Book us now!
“Enrichment beyond the classroom”
0426265386 or 0414680713
Tutoring in all Subjects & languages (Spanish)
All levels Kindergarten to Year 12 & University levels
IELTS, NAPLAN, Selective School exams & HSC
Home schooling assistance, children with learning difficulties
adult education services, editing and proof-reading,
University essays, theses, manuscripts
Overseas? On holidays? Need essay help? Too far away? Never mind - call us now and arrange for online easy lessons!
We are pleased to inform our clients that TUTORING SERVICES SYDNEY has been selected
The Best Tutoring Service in Sydney, NSW 2023 by Quality Business Awards!
Featured Staff​
Jenetta Haim is the owner and manager. She holds an extended major in English Literature, a double major in History and a Masters in Philosophy. Jenetta has been tutoring children and adults in both the mainstream education system and Community Education for over 40 years. Jenetta is also versed in Business Management as she runs her own clinic in Natural Health and is a published International Author. Jenetta will tutor your children in English, History, Legal Studies, Business Studies, Commerce, Economics and PDHPE. She will also assist you to write proper essays, speeches as well as pass the English section of the IELTS test. Jenetta is contactable on 0414680713 to discuss registration for your child. This is also her clinic number. Please leave a message if it goes to message service and she will call you back to discuss your specific needs.
Doctor Rodrigo Roman Pena from the University of Sydney Department of Environmental Science is a Marine Biologist with a Doctorate in Marine Ecology. He is accredited for teaching in NSW schools. He is highly skilled in Mathematics, the Sciences and specifically Biology, Chemistry and teaching you to handle and understand depth studies. He can assist children and University students to understand Maths and the Sciences even at difficult levels. Rodrigo is in charge of our Maths and Science Department. Rodrigo is contactable on 0426265386.
Arthur Ashley is an experienced professional teacher and tutor for many years now. He has expert experience in both primary and high school levels and is known for his patience in teaching your child in those difficult moments when they are stuck and can't comprehend the subject matter. Arthur has an amazing way of bringing that into simple explanations with his patience, expertise and understanding. Arthur can be contacted on 0414680713
Gen - one of our tutors in high demand who has been with us for some time now. Gen is well versed in all aspects of the school curriculum that we follow very closely. She will explain carefully the concepts and background of the subjects to give your child a clear understanding of topics they find hard to follow. Gen is currently completing her Teaching Degree.
Gen can be contacted on 0426265386
Felicity - known for her straightforward approach to subjects Felicity tutors in Maths primarily up to and including the Senior Years and English for the younger students. She is in her final years of a Teaching Degree in Mathematics and Geography. Felicity can be contacted on 0426265386
Doris - a Doctor of Philosophy affiliated with The University of Sydney with secondary degrees in Bachelor of social work and Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Doris also has worked with Special Needs Education and is versatile in many subjects including biology, chemistry, physics, legal studies and lectures in University level subjects. Doris can be contacted on 0426265386
Ashton - studying a Bachelor in Business with a school ATAR of 90 plus and Band 6 in Advanced Maths so he is more than qualified to tutor your child up to HSC level subjects. Ashton has a careful way of explaining the most difficult Maths concepts to your child so they will understand. Ashton can be contacted on 0426265386
Rahul - a future lawyer with top three ranking in Economics and Business Studies. Rahul has been a tutor for a long time and can also tutor in History, Geography, Business as well as English and Maths. Rahul can be contacted on 0426265386
Ritik - a PhD in Science focused on Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology. He is highly skilled in teaching STEM disciplines and University in the subjects of Chemistry, Biology and Physics. Ritik can be contacted on 0426265386
We have many more tutors all over Sydney to assist you in home or online. Please give us a call to see how we can help YOU!

Give us a call:

In The
Roza - Offer (2018) Law/Commerce Macquarie Uni, ATAR 91, 2 Band increase improvement from Term 1! & Extension English great mark!
Aidan - Maths HSC 94.6%
Liza - HSC - 2 band 6 and 1 band 5! What a great improvement! (2018)
Katarina - HSC entry offer to Primary School Teaching! (2018)
Yuka on the wonderful marks this year in attaining your University Doctorate! (2017)
Mariam: For great marks in HSC recent trials and for coming 6th in 4 unit English major work - August 2017 and for the great 95.1% Atar!! (2017)
Anna on your great HSC pass in Maths 79.4%. (2017)
Josh on entry to UTS Engineering (2017)
Martin 86% ATAR and Band 5's (2017)
Shannen on your great marks in English, Maths and Physics in HSC! (2017)
Evren for English 87%/Maths 90% exams (2017)
Katarina & Kristina Maths 70 & 80% (2017)
Thanks Tahsin for the good wishes. Good to see you complete your HSC so well. (2017)
Nischai: Award in English Year 4 (2017)
Dylan - Top of the class - Maths - Year 10 April 2017
Ibrahim on your 100% Maths assignment
Dylan for your class improvement award
Jessica on going up two levels in 3 subjects
Nash: For getting your HSC! Good work man! December 2017​
Kristina and Katarina for improvement in Maths - Year 11 - 2017
Zena - English Advanced trials - great score! Year 12 - 2016

Patricia: 82.60 Entry UTS Public Communication /International Studies (Double degree)
Shan: 96.0 Aviation Flying/Engineering
December 2014​
Emily: ATAR 82.20 UNSW Bachelor of Planning
December 2014

Shalin: 97.2 Accounting
Nishan: 97.5 Law (Double degree)​
December, 2004

​Our Areas - Face to face and online

Our Head office address is in the Western Suburbs in Greystanes Sydney but we cater to all of the Sydney area. We cater to the North Shore, as far west as Penrith, South to Cronulla and even the City.
Our tutors will either come to your house or online. Give us a call today on 0426265386 or 0414680713 to find out how we can help you get better marks in Primary School, pass your HSC or even those University exams. We even will edit your thesis.
National and international
We offer online sessions (Skype/Zoom) to all our students and we edit thesis and manuscripts both nationally and internationally. Call us NOW for a fast response.
Our Students
Our students vary from Kindergarten, to high school to University Level and come from all walks of life. Over the years we have also edited several books, theses and manuscripts for Grade A students.
Our Commitment to you
No joining fees - ever
No ongoing booking fees for the term - ever
100% program to cater to you and your child's needs
We will work closely with the school curriculum
We will not overload your child with unnecessary homework
We will always give homework and study to help them prepare better for their schoolwork
We will give extra lessons if you need them for exams
We will correct and edit work via the internet if needed as extra classes for your child when you need them
We will use textbooks and notes so you can follow the program your child is using also
We will report to you and tell you how your child is improving
We will help you edit your thesis or manuscript in a timely, professional manner
We will give you quality service for your dollar