Sydney/East/Western Suburbs & Beyond
Don't fall behind! Book us now!
“Enrichment beyond the classroom”
0426265386 or 0414680713
Tutoring in all Subjects & languages (Spanish)
All levels Kindergarten to Year 12 & University levels
IELTS, NAPLAN, Selective School exams & HSC
Home schooling assistance, children with learning difficulties
adult education services, editing and proof-reading,
University essays, theses, manuscripts
Overseas? On holidays? Need essay help? Too far away? Never mind - call us now and arrange for online easy lessons!
We are pleased to inform our clients that TUTORING SERVICES SYDNEY has been selected
The Best Tutoring Service in Sydney, NSW 2023 by Quality Business Awards!
Our policy
We do home tuition and online tutoring. There are no joining, term, registration fees or contracts. You do not need to pay bulk for the whole term like many other tutoring schools. Payment is taken every Friday the week before the lessons are held. Our fees are standard and reasonable.
We require 24 hours notice to cancel a class or we will charge for that class. This is because we have many students and a waiting list of students who want extra lessons. If you give us notice 24 hours in advance then we can replace your class time with another student. That is fair to us. In turn we are fair to you by ensuring we will be there when your child needs us the most. So we will be able to provide extra lessons before tests and internet help if needed.
Payment of classes is made directly to the office by credit card only, which must be arranged before the classes begin by giving us your credit card details. Please note your statement will show 'Stressfree Management' which is our umbrella company. We take your privacy and personal details very seriously. Your card details are always protected in our secure system. You always deal direct with the office. So you will always know who you are dealing with. The office will pay the tutor. The tutor will have a set day, as much as possible, each week for when your class will take place so both you and the tutor can plan your schedule ahead of time.
Cost of classes and editing
Talk to us. It varies depending on type of work and length of time. Editing of manuscripts is different to high school and online sessions of course. We are flexible and will make every attempt to suit your budget. Call us NOW to discuss 0414680713.
We are also able to provide your children with assistance in times of stress. We offer ways to teach your children to overcome exam nerves, anxiety due to assessments and study, effects of bullying and low self esteem. We work hand in hand with a natural therapies clinic to teach your child ways to relax, increase their focus and overcome disorganisation and lack of discipline with their studies.
Jenetta Haim is a fully qualified practitioner in natural therapies and has worked for decades in the industry. Her clinic in Greystanes deals with children with diagnosed ADD, ADHD, learning difficulties, autism, Aspergers, anxiety, stress, depression and other issues. Jenetta is a qualified naturopath, nutritionist, counsellor, hypnotherapist and teacher in meditation and relaxation. She works with adults and children in a co-operative, collaborative atmosphere to create better communication and social skills in children and between children and their parents, and teachers. Jenetta is also able to test your child for food sensitivities and provide assistance on diet and nutrition, as well as ways to naturally increase your child's memory and focus. For further information go to www.stressfreemanagement.com.au